ザ・東京ヴァガボンド×上野 / The Tokyo Vagabond×Ueno

Ueno Natives | 上野っ子

橋本 明
Akira Hashimoto

「そしたら翌朝、シュー、シューって変な音が耳元でするんだよ。それで目開けたら目の前にサソリが二匹尻尾持ち上げているの! いやぁ、びっくりして飛び起きて一目散に山を駆け下りたよ」橋本さんはさも楽しそうに笑いながら言う。

Wandered around 67 countries by mostly hitchhiking and sleeping in the open in 1960’s, “the living legend” of the Ueno shopping district Akira Hashimoto is a witness of the history of Ueno.
He clearly remembers the wartime sight of Ueno 72 years ago.
“As far as my eye could see there was nothing but burned-out ruins.”
Reconstruction of Ueno shopping district after the war began with a small number of shacks.
In the devastated area where people were living from hand to mouth, his family settled and opened some shops.
“I don’t have pleasant memories in those times. Ueno was a dangerous lawless place,” Akira thinks back.
He read a book of a Japanese world traveler when he was a university student, and began to think about going abroad, too.
In 1964 he left Japan as he told his family that he was going to the USA for one month.
“It became 2 years and half after all,” Akira pleasantly laughs.
He started his American life in New York, and worked at New York World’s Fair as a janitor of the Japanese pavilion for ten months.
“I was supposed to go to Los Angeles after that, and then to go back to Japan.”
However he went to Europe after NY.
“The Atlantic Ocean temped me to go across to see what’s beyond.”
A now-or-never spirit encouraged Akira to see the world as much as he could.
Dragged a suitcase, slept rough, got mugged, fell in love, worked and studied, his vagabond’s life went on for 18 months.
“I drank beers around the world, I think German beers were the best. Even froth on beer was so tasty,” he says admiringly.
“When I was in Europe, I always hitchhiked wherever I went to save money just for drinking beers in Germany.”
He studied German at University of Vienna in summer.
One day he went to a cafe nearby, and saw young people playing “Go (traditional Asian board game)”.
He knew how to play Go, so he joined them.
Shortly teaching Go to those go fans for a cup of coffee became his daily routine in Vienna.
He also taught judo at a judo school in Casablanca.
“I by chance found that judo school run by a Japanese teacher. He asked me to help him teach, so I did.”
There were many people from children to adults practicing judo there.
“First I was teaching kids, but gradually bigger and stronger students joined, sometimes they threw me up in the air,” he scratches his head with an embarrassed smile.
His journey went on; got to the summit of the Pyramids in Egypt, found lovely jasmine tea in Algeria, worked at a farm in Denmark, had his luggage stolen on a train for Norway, met a beautiful American girl on his way to Paris…
“Because my father let me do what I wanted to do, I was able to lead a good life,” he looks back over his path.
Akira’s father was a seaman who traveled around the world.
When Akira was small, his father sometimes told him stories of foreign countries.
“If I could, I want to visit countries I haven’t been yet. Well, if I go wandering this time I will die on the road for sure,” he laughs as he sees his cats having a nap at the window.
There is one story which Akira told me with the most sparkling among many other stories.
“When I was on a way to Casablanca by bus, my bus stopped suddenly and a driver told me to get off. It was completely nowhere, I was completely lost.”
In the short time children around gathered and jeered at him.
He tried to get out of there, but the children followed him.
“Then I found a small mountain, I began to climb.”
Soon the children stopped following and left him alone, but he kept going up.
“I felt relieved, then happened to look up and found a huge beautiful full moon in the sky,” by drawing a big circle with his hands he tells.
He continued with an innocent look on his face “It was so big, I thought I could touch it if I jumped and extended my arm!”
“I was very glad, and decided to sleep over night in the mountain. It was a cold evening, but I was so happy and didn’t care.”
“Next morning, a strange sound like Shhhh woke me up. What I saw in front of my face were two scorpions. I ran away as fast as I could!” he laughed joyfully.
Today, Akira lives with two cats peacefully in his building which is located in the middle of the Ueno shopping district.
“More and more people who I knew well in this district passed away,” he says a bit sadly.
How does “the living legend” who got lost for more than one year so his family almost accepted his death once, Akira Hashimoto see his home Ueno today?
“Ueno is a good place. Unlike foreign countries I can see who bad people are here,” his face crinkled up in a big smile again.